A Gathering at the Crossroads
Fr., 30. Okt.
|A Gathering at the Crossroads
The SoS invites you to come mingle with the Ancestors for All Hallows Eve! Register w/the online ritual & be counted among the enlightened!

Zeit & Ort
30. Okt. 2020, 19:00 – 21:00
A Gathering at the Crossroads
Über die Veranstaltung
On this night, when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, we open ourselves to the chance of communing with and honoring our ancestors who have moved beyond the veil. Not only do we honor our loved ones, we also honor all creatures as branches and roots of our wider, existential tree. For in the branches of our family tree there is a multitude of diversity, of many shapes, colors, flavors and scents. All this multitude and variety make up the tapestry of our genetic and cultural history.
We pay homage to our ancestors at this time, when the old season ends. The wheel turns, bringing the Celtic New Year forward, and beginning the cycle anew. On Samhain, we set a place at our table, for those we have lost. We build Ancestors Shrines and Altars to honor them. We build large bonfires and hold ritual, showing gratitude to the Goddess and God for the year’s harvest, and ask their blessings for the coming year. On this night, we invoke Hecate, and call upon the Elementals to guide us. Through their power they will transport us, to that time that is not a time, in that place that is not a place.
In our modern era, (and especially during current concerns), we are offering a socially distanced, yet magickal alternative to the usual festivities. We will be holding space through a Zoom oriented ritual. The S.o S. invites you to please pre-register, through our link on Facebook or our website. The event is free to all. The link to the event will be sent to registrants via email, you will also receive the suggested items list as well as order of ritual. We look forward to seeing you all soon – to miss it would be a grave error! (sorry, I had too!)
In her Service,
Sanctuary of Sekhmet
Sa Sekhem Sahu
A Gathering at the Crossroads
This is an online event celebrating Samhain.
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